Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Supporting Crist

I know I've made earlier posts giving some praise to the man.  Here I'm making it official:

I'm supporting Charlie Crist for the U.S. Senate this November 2010.

There's not much I can do in the way of financial donations (being unemployed and all).  So I am trying to find out if there's volunteer time I can provide.  For the seven people reading this blog, if you've got some funds handy and want to piss off the Wingnut Republicans, here's your chance.  Click the link above.  I'll be adding the Crist website to my links on the right.

P.S. Go Gators!  Go Bucs!  Go Bulls!  Go Rays!  Go Spongers (Tarpon High)!


Anonymous said...

You forget that your seven readers (more! There are more!) are largely unemployed ourselves.

Or I am anyway....

Tell you what: You hire me, I'll hire you, we'll move to Florida temporarily, we'll vote for Crist.

Paul W said...

Hire you?

(gives it some thought)

Unfortunately, I can only pay you in 2 tons of cat hairs. That ok?

Anonymous said...

Yes - but only because you made me laugh so damn hard, damn it.