Wednesday, February 27, 2019

All We Need to Know From the Immolation of the Republican Party During The Cohen Hearings

After all the sound and fury from today's testimony from trump's personal bagman lawyer, this is the only true thing you can garner from the noise.

Today's hearing turned out to be less about Michael Cohen working as a corrupt underling for a corrupt mob-boss-styled bankrupt con artist, and more about the Republican Party's willingness to defend that corrupt mob-boss-styled bankrupt con artist because GOD FORBID any accountability for trump ever be applied.

If you watch and rewatch the performances of Republican congresscritters, you will see time and again their willingness to attack Cohen as a liar without acknowledging that Cohen lied on trump's orders. You will see Republicans trying to discredit Cohen without questioning the evidence he brought to the committee.

You will see Republicans making fools of themselves.

This is how far the GOP has sunk. They have tied their fate to that of trump's, a known liar and failed businessman who is now openly accused - through Cohen's testimony detailing fraud and election law violations - of being a crook. They are defending the indefensible... all because they are afraid of what they might lose when (no longer a question of IF) he falls.

Even Cohen tried to warn them, during today's appearance (quote via The Daily Beast):

Just as Cohen lied to Congress and the public on Trump’s behalf, out of what he called “intoxication” out of being around the “icon” Trump, now they were doing the same sort of “always stay on message, always defend” Trump that Cohen performed for over a decade. Trump gave Cohen financial power; Trump gives the Republican Party political power.
“I’m responsible for your silliness,” Cohen said of what he called GOP questioning that was “really unbecoming of Congress.” He was responsible, he said, “because I did the same thing that you are doing now, for ten years.”

But it's too late. Always has been. The second they let that racist con artist get a foothold in their party, they were dead. Dead to reason. Dead to faith. Dead to history.

Not a single Republican on that committee did anything responsible today. They never will. If they did, they would have to admit how they were wrong in the first place. And that can never happen in their own eyes. Not until they're facing criminal charges and their plea deals require truthful testimony the same way Cohen's does.

It's called Pride. trump played to that as much as their Fear. And the thing about Pride, it goes before a fall. And the Republicans won't care until it's ten years later facing the same hell Cohen is in now.

And by then it'll be too late for the rest of us.

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

Republican controlled house after Cohen testified the first time: "How dare you impugn this man's character by accusing him of not telling the truth?"

Republicans responding to Democratic controlled house bringing Cohen back to testify again: "How dare you bring this liar back to lie to the US congress?"

-Doug in Oakland