Friday, December 23, 2016

A Saturnalian Wish List for the Darkest Year Yet: Damn You 2016

This is indeed a disturbing universe. - Maggie Simpson

Facing once again the nightmare of insufferable Christianist bullies who won't give heathens the right to celebrate Saturnalia as the Romans intended, it's left to me to try and plead to the Powers That Be to grant me these boons and set right what once went wrong...

1) I pray to Saturn, Time Lord with a Blue Box, that the incoming train wreck that is the Trump Administration doesn't f-cking blow up the planet any time soon, or ever for that matter.

2) I pray to the Old Gods and the New, that the incoming train wreck that is the Trump Administration only causes damage to their own, to the 62 million morons to willingly voted for a goddamn racist sexist con artist of a candidate all because he stirred up their unjustified fears and unwarranted outrage. If there is ANY moral justice in this universe - sadly, there isn't - the ones who voted for this shitgibbon should be the only ones who pay the price.

3) I pray to the One True Goddess Belldandy that the incoming train wreck that is the Trump Administration is so vile in its treatment of people, so inept in its avoidance of facts, so corrupt in its greed that finally - FINALLY - the Republican Party collapses into its goddamn grave at last, and that EVERYBODY wakes up to the realization that the Randian Utopian Fantasy of the Far Right NEEDS BE avoided for the next ten generations.


Yeah, I know. We're gonna be stuck with 62 million Trumpshirts dragging the United States back to 1850 and wrecking the entire planet while doing so. And that's the OPTIMISTIC view. Given Trump's insane mindset about nuclear weapons, we could be facing WORSE...

So with that all in mind, here's the last known Saturnalia any of us might celebrate before the Dark Times overwhelm us.

Resist. Find Hope.


P.S. It wouldn't hurt, Saturn, if you used your time powers to go back to 1988 and slap some goddamn sense in me about better social skills heading into college...

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

I don't know if this has anything to do with Saturnalia or not, but a Pagan in Maine was allowed to wear his goat-horns in his driver's license photo. He said he was glad to finally have some ID so he could fly to California and attend some Pagan festivals, but the article's author pointed out that those horns will never make it past the TSA...

-Doug in Oakland