Thursday, January 20, 2011

Because No One Demanded It... A Revised Lost Battalion Logo

Never heard back from Ta-Nehisi if he was gonna use the logo I crafted to start his own t-shirt line (damn Sully, stealing my ideas!), so out of boredom I went and carved out a variation on the logo.

I changed the fonts around, using Stencil as the primary font and BattleLines for the secondary font.

So who wants this on a t-shirt!

EDIT (1/21): So far I got one vote for, one vote against.  The against vote objects to the use of military imagery for what is supposed to be a platonic group.  So... I need an image of book readers charging against the defenses at Balaclava?

EDIT PART TWO: Okay.  I got the Cafe Press store up.  I have no idea if it will work until people attempt to waste their money on it.  Address is


TheRaven said...

I'm in (XL)

Paul W said...

Working on the Cafe Press shop as I type this. Trying to get the damn thing to line up properly on the mini-buttons... gaaaaahhh!

As for the logo. There's been a final tally of sorts with 5 likes and 1 hoping for a different logo. So we'll go for this logo for now, see if I get sued or not...