Wednesday, September 11, 2019

September 11 Again And We're STILL Not Okay

It's just another morning in a United States scarred deeply by the tragedy of this September 11.

My memories of that morning still fresh in my mind and in the minds of so many others.

It took a few seconds. It took a few seconds to realize that one plane was an accident. Two planes, one right after the other… hitting each tower…
I knew then it meant war.
The lobby TV was terrible, snow and static, and I went up the 8th floor to see if reception for a TV in the staff lounge was better up there. It wasn’t. They tried moving it into a meeting room closer to the windows to see if that could help. And barely. There was still a lot of static and snow, and some of the guys I was with didn’t agree with me when I swore one of the towers had collapsed...

Our whole country hasn't been the same since.

Since then, a raw nerve has been exposed. A terrible, racist pulse of anger has driven half of this nation into rage towards anyone Muslim, anyone Latino, anyone Black, anyone and everyone who fits the definition of "Other."

It's why there's a raging Shitgibbon in the White House, someone who tapped into that racism and obsession and used it - still uses it - as a weapon.

It's why we're still in Afghanistan 18 years later, unable to secure any lasting peace because that effort was so mismanaged the second we leave it falls to chaos and the Taliban again.

It's why we're still caging babies and kicking military troops - men and women who volunteered to serve this nation - out because the racists refuse to accept them as citizens or even as humans.

We're not winning any War on Terror because we let the Haters and Monsters gain control of our nation.

Gods help us. These scars are not going away any time soon.

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

And don't forget that dubya was warned beforehand and blew it off.

-Doug in Oakland