Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Impeachment Day From the Sidelines

(Update 11/15/19): A big thanks to Batocchio for linking me again to Crooks & Liars' Mike's Blog Round-Up! If any of you are busy on NaNoWriMo I wish you luck, please check out my blog, do try to leave a Comment below (I know it's restricted, I've had issues with spam, if it's not working for you tweet me @PaulWartenberg danke)

Today was a big day on Twitter, as #ImpeachmentDay was a huge hashtag to follow.

And while big revelations were plenty - we heard public testimony, some of it repeated from earlier testimony given in closed sessions - about how trump abused the powers of the office to withhold military aid from Ukraine in order to force their government to begin sham investigations into Joe Biden's family, the hearings still won't mean much because of one thing.

The Republicans in Congress and everywhere else don't give a rat's ass that their boy trump broke the law.

Granted, these hearings are necessary for historical matters and for legal ones. It has to get out there that trump is this crooked, and that the Republicans are just as corrupt for defending every last thing trump has done - continues to do - wrong.

But until enough Senate Republicans decide "to hell with it" and put country before party, these hearings will all end the same way. McConnell and his crooked Senate buddies will hold the most perfunctory vote against any impeachment findings the House presents them and walk away laughing. It would be nice to think otherwise, that reason would prevail and trump removed from office before he can do any further harm, but partisanship dominates the GOP now and they will ignore this reality to revel in their fantasy.

Except they shouldn't.

When the Congressional Republicans ignore the evidence and "exonerate" trump, they will have to answer to every non-Republican voter across the United States. Not just the Democratic voters who already know they HAVE to vote the GOP crooks out of office, but the non-party voters who will hold those Congresscritters accountable for their folly.

Back in 2016, trump eked out an Electoral College win by getting just enough of the Non-Party Voters - 46 percent over Hillary's 42 percent - in key states to choose him. Funny thing about Non-Party voters: they DON'T drink the Kool-Aid the way party voters do. They tend to retain enough independence to know when one party or the other is pissing on them and switch sides.

Last I saw, trump was polling in the mid-30s with independent voters. He's not looking to get the 42 percent total votes he had in 2016. These impeachment hearings ought to make those numbers go lower.

And with any reason worth considering, the disapproval for trump should translate into disapproval for Republicans lying for him.

Get the goddamn vote out, America. And for the Love of GOD hold Republicans accountable for the shit they're doing now and have been doing for years to violate every ethic in the books.


dinthebeast said...

We need to hang that not guilty vote around the goddamn Republicans' necks and beat them with it next year. That's how we take the senate back, if we do take it back.

-Doug in Oakland

Ed said...
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Paul W said...

Ed, no one should be clicking any links without fair warning what it goes to, shame on you.