Sunday, December 06, 2020

Some Notes in December 2020

Just to get a few thoughts in:

After weeks of him stumbling across the nation from legal carnie show to legal carnie show, Rudy Giuliani finally tested positive for COVID-19, and it's serious enough that he's had to check into a hospital.

Because he'd been in Arizona recently meeting in person with Republican legislators, he's essentially forced the state lege to close down for quarantine.

Oh, by the by, Rudy and his fellow fraudsters have yet to convince an actual courtroom to buy their fake "voter fraud" scams.

The numbers of COVID infections have skyrocketed since Halloween, and Thanksgiving did us no favors as a massive number of fellow Americans decided "fuck it, we're family gathering.

Instead of coping with the pandemic, trump is threatening to veto a defense spending bill unless Congress revokes a Section 230 of the that gives private social media companies - Twitter, Facebook, etc. - the power to self-monitor any offensive, deceptive, or outright fraudulent posts (like trump's own BS tweets). he wants to punish Twitter for adding corrective claims to his lies.

Oh, and he's still setting up the likelihood of staging a coup d'état before Saturnalia, that bastard.

Oh, and as a follow-up, here's Julie from October meeting Julie from June. The visit from December Julie is gonna be lit:


1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

Rudy's in the hospital where the diagnosis, I assume, will be rigor mortis...

-Doug in Sugar Pine