Thursday, December 09, 2021

Quick Question to the Nine Readers of This Blog: It's Jon Swift Roundup Time!

Batocchio has sent out the call for the annual blogging highlights, and I would like to ask the readers of this blog out of all the crazy stuff I've written this 2021, which one should I present as the best of the brat?

I'm kind of leaning towards the Irrational article, although the articles about the tragedy of Surfside has its points to make, and the Fall of Afghanistan has a lot to say about the failures of our nation after 9/11.

Please do me a favor and help get this in by Saturday December 11th, thank ye. You can leave a comment below or if you hate the comments setup you can tweet me @PaulWartenberg or yell at me on Facebook.


dinthebeast said...

Not having gone over your entire output for the year, I tend to agree about the irrational post. It is the issue of our country in our time.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Infidel753 said...

If it were up to me I'd go with the "Irrational" one. Its topic is of more general and lasting interest to most readers.

Richard said...

I will be honest. After i go through my daily outrage cycle, after i have offended my bloggy friends, i stop by your place all disheveled and bruised, and ask for a cup of tea.

Paul said...

Per the suggestions, I submitted the Irrational article, thank you.


Now I need to spot four other articles to submit for next year's Royal Palm Literary Awards...