Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Stupidity Plus Racism Plus Fearmongering Divided By Republicans, It All Adds Up In Florida

I am waking up to THIS STUPIDITY from my state's Department of Education:

Florida Rejects Publishers’ Attempts to Indoctrinate Students

Yes, our Republican-controlled state government led by Uber-Panderer DeSantis is going after Critical Race Theory again, even WITHOUT evidence that CRT was getting taught in our primary schools in the first.

And the Republicans are so afraid of CRT, so afraid of white students learning about how systemic racism has been throughout our history at the national and state levels, that these wise learned assholes are going after MATHEMATICS as though Florida's pre-Algebra classes are full of race theory.


Yes. Republicans are going after MATH now.

You know, I'm 50-something now, it's been ages since I studied mathematics, but I'm pretty sure when I took Algebra I in the Ninth Grade at Tarpon Springs High that there was no racism being discussed in the class.

I mean, I can recall we studied stuff like 2x + 3y = z, or the emphasis on parenthesis in equations, and I vaguely recall word problems like "If Monique goes shopping and finds that cereal boxes of Lucky Charms are selling two for $4.00, how much would it cost if Monique buys 9 boxes of Lucky Charms?" At some point we learned IF = THEN calculations for variables, and then we learned about fractions and percentages, but we NEVER learned about the Rosewood Massacre and its effects on early 20th Century population trends in our state, and we never learned about the economic effects of Redlining and the Ghetto as Financial Policy.

These Far Right wingnut Republicans are so intent on finding "reverse racism" or anything that would make White folk uncomfortable about the long tragic reality of systemic racism in our nation's existence that they will wipe out entire sections of learning to root out such fears.

DeSantis and his lackeys will be going after Biology (because God trump forbid Darwinian Evolution will make religious White folk worry they evolved from apes) and Physics (because God trump forbid learning about potential and kinetic energies might teach kids about passive political resistance used in Black Lives Matters protests) next. Maybe after Chemistry (because trump forbid that our kids learn about mixing things like interracial dates) as well. 

The stupidity of all this is excuse for Florida Republicans to degrade and demolish enough of our public education system to where our public schools are broken, useless, and incapable of preparing our children to higher education or well-paid jobs that require actual learned skills.

The madness of all this is that too many of my fellow state residents aren't paying attention to how Republicans are driving this state right over the cliffs and into the sharp pointy rocks below.

If only there was a mathematical equation that would explain the damage that happens when our entire state crashes into those rocks.

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

The very fact that CRT isn't taught in public school validates the concept of CRT. Republicans don't really give a shit about education or CRT. What they do care about is riling up the meatheads enough to make them angry and scared, because that's the only way they will vote for a party intent upon screwing them.

-Doug in Sugar Pine