Predicting how it will all play out is ridiculous, because the future isn't set yet from our perspective and anything can change everything else. The best we can say for certain is that the Tampa Bay Bucs are going to draft in the top ten spots of the April rookie draft.
What I can say about 2016 with regards to politics is that:
- This is a year we'll find out of the polling numbers for the Republicans truly match the actual voter turnout results. They have before - within the margins of error - but this year the polls may be over-inflating Trump's numbers. Despite the facts that multiple polls show him leading by comfortable margins, and there's no real sign of him slipping out of First in the states that really matter (Trump can lose Iowa because that state is so skewed into social conservative thought it regularly votes the best Bible Thumper who ends up losing everywhere else), the pollsters are still thinking Trump really isn't going to get 30 or even 20 percent of the real votes.
- If the Republican primaries retain at least six candidates all the way through to the July convention in Cleveland, it will likely mean enough of them earned enough delegates to force it as a brokered convention... which will likely mean Jeb? wins the rigged nomination with the fewest ever delegates in political history.
- Republicans are going to go so overboard in voter suppression efforts that the federal courts may have to charge the whole party with civil rights violations.
- Marco Rubio is not going to happen.
- Hillary Clinton - despite the best efforts of Republicans to BENGHAZI her - will win enough state primaries by comfortable margins to secure the Democratic nomination. Sorry, Bernie, the numbers just aren't there for you. The question then becomes how to get enough Democrats eager and active enough to actually show up to goddamn vote.
What I can say about 2016 itself is that:
- Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice better NOT SUCK.
- Also, I really think the NFL is making a big mistake forcing - and they are - the San Diego Chargers to relocate to LA. Let the Raiders have that market, okay? Sheesh.
- Also, I need to market my ebooks better.
Happy New Year to ye, and hope to see you in 2016.
You have e-books?
I agree that the Gooper field is highly fluid but it seems pretty clear that there is a real war going on between the Tea Party wildings and the so-called Establishment, i.e. The Billionaires vs. the F*cking Mole People. Trump straddles both groups, of course, though he still scares the billionaires and the RNC. He and Cruz are the only serious threats because the Tea Partyists will buy into his Anarchical-Jesus operation. But there would need to be a massive and grotesque hijacking of the primaries to shoehorn JEB! Into the nomination. And he would be dead Bushmeat in the General anyways. So let the Band Play On.
If you look at the WRITINGS tab on the menu bar above, you'll see a list of publications for purchase as ebooks - and several that are available as print. Thank ye.
"I really think the NFL is making a big mistake forcing - and they are - the San Diego Chargers to relocate to LA. Let the Raiders have that market, okay?"
The Raiders have the L.A. market? Yes and no--yes in terms of the Raiders being the favorite team in L.A. County on Facebook (Orange County prefers the Chargers), no in terms of which team is most seen on TV there, which is the Chargers. Looks like the NFL and the networks would rather it be the Chargers, despite the preferences of the people who live there, which is exactly your point. Also, Vox vs. FiveThirtyEight. Fight!
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