Monday, November 27, 2017

This Is All he Is: An Insult to Everyone (who's NOT Putin)

Yeah, he went there.

Trump can’t perform the simplest, most ceremonial function without being a massive dick. A while ago, he worked his stupid, racist “Pocahontas” shtick about Elizabeth Warren into an event honoring Native American Code Talkers from WWII...

A lot of other observers noted he was honoring these brave American soldiers from World War II by standing in front of a portrait of Andrew Jackson, one of the most racist hateful life forms that ever brutalized every tribe of Native Americans he despised.

I should mention my Grandpa Kinzer once told us kids we were descended from Pocahontas, which was fun for awhile until Grandma Kinzer warned us that Grandpa was what the Southern ladies called a "goddamn liar". Still, I *ought* to go onto and find out how far back the Kinzer bloodline goes.

There's a bunch of conservative-minded folk on Twitter running around arguing that getting called "Pocahontas" isn't an insult, except that trump's demeanor and motive for calling Elizabeth Warren that on multiple occasions has been to insult her. That's all really trump does as his method of leadership: he insults in the most vulgar, derogatory method possible, with no style or subtlety or wit. If trump were to ever come up for an insult for me, it'd probably involve me being a fatass. That's too easy a shot, and degrading, but that's all he's good for.

This is why I have no qualms calling trump a goddamn Shitgibbon. It may sink to his level of immaturity, but that's what he deserves.

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

There was a guy on Chris Hayes' show last night who is an attorney and a member of the Blackfeet Nation who paraphrased an elder as having said that Donald Trump's "filthy, nasty, lying, deceitful lips do not deserve to utter Pocahontas' name..."

-Doug in Oakland