I was eight, my brother was eighteen, and the fight he had with our father over him not being able to go to Woodstock caused my brother to move out. So when I was sixteen and dad found out that Led Zeppelin was playing in Oakland, he arranged for my best friend and I to do some work for him and he bought us plane tickets and tickets to the show. My brother kinda resented me for that, but it wasn't the only issue I got a better deal out of the old man from by learning from my brother's mistakes, so he was OK with it.
I was eight, my brother was eighteen, and the fight he had with our father over him not being able to go to Woodstock caused my brother to move out.
So when I was sixteen and dad found out that Led Zeppelin was playing in Oakland, he arranged for my best friend and I to do some work for him and he bought us plane tickets and tickets to the show.
My brother kinda resented me for that, but it wasn't the only issue I got a better deal out of the old man from by learning from my brother's mistakes, so he was OK with it.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
An absolute highlight for me was Canned Heat's performance of "A Change is Gonna Come." Bob "The Bear" Hite had the blues boogie in his soul.
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