Saturday, August 15, 2020

How To Pronounce Kamala

With Harris now selected to be the Vice President for Joe Biden should they win this November, I have to admit to my eternal shame that I was pronouncing her first name wrong. I was going by Ka-Muhl-ah, my bad.

In light of all the SOBs on the Far Right coming out of the woodwork to reignite their Birther bullshit, I realized we need to confirm the proper pronunciation of her name so we can show our respect.

So here we go: This is how you pronounce "Kamala":


Rhymes with AMERICA, you FOOKS.

Also, this:

Are we going to have to go through all that racist Birther shit again? Yes we are, because the fooking Republicans have no other way to rally their voters to them.

P.S. I may be mispronouncing fook. I blame Karl Tanner (Burn Gorman).

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

No, I think you're pronouncing it just fine. As my Irish friend said to some hapless person who asked if he was English: "Fook England."

-Doug in Sugar Pine