Tuesday, September 22, 2020

trump's Body Count for 2020 Keeps Going Up

For the year so far, still in September 2020, the COVID-19 Coronavirus death count for the United States went over 200,000 fallen due to a superflu that could have been managed since March if only we had the national leadership to guide us towards safe distancing, mask-wearing, and better awareness. 

And donald trump's response while the news was breaking that America has suffered more deaths in less than a year than many of our wars combined?

Sayeth trump: "It affects virtually nobody."

200,000 DEAD ARE NOT NOBODIES. Those are families, friends, loved ones...

If we take a moment to note what Tengrain observes at Mock Paper Scissors:

...And I suppose those families grieving with their loss and/or dealing with the long-term struggles of having survived a round of the damn Trump-virus (including heart, lung, and seeming brain problems) might be surprised to learn that they don’t actually exist.

These are evil people and I sincerely hope that when this era is over that they are marched through the streets, heads shaved, so decent people can spit on them there is an accountability. The entire 4th Reich needs to be locked-up and suffer the consequences for their astonishing crimes against humanity.

To hell with the Republicans and their attempts to steal 2020 while we're all DYING from their madness and cruelty. Get the vote out, America, #VoteBlue across the board, for the LOVE OF GOD OUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON IT NOW.

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

Yeah, the bodies it affects are not, in fact, virtual. They are real as fuck.

-Doug in Sugar Pine