Saturday, April 08, 2023

April 8 is Rex Manning Day

If you are (White) Generation X, you will know this quote.

“We mustn't dwell. No, not today. We can't. Not on Rex Manning Day!”

Empire Records was a quirky teen comedy movie in 1995 about an indie record store where the employees were coping with interpersonal traumas, the threat of getting bought out by the big retail stores, and coping with an aging pop star in Rex Manning who hadn't realized the 1980s were over.

The movie was pretty much screwed by the studio that forced drastic cuts to the film, failed to test the appropriate markets, and dumped the movie with little fanfare or advertising. Even with a well-received soundtrack of 90s hits, the movie was considered a huge flop. It had to take cable viewings for the right audience - the above-mentioned (White) Gen Xers - who had lived through that era of Grunge/post-Pop to fall in love with the characters and wacky antics.

So today, break out those vinyl records - because yes, they've made a comeback! - and dance, DANCE I TELL YOU! to the happy hoppy tones of Rex Manning's "Say No More Mon Amour!"






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