Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Four for the Fourth 2023: Going Forth Towards Justice

If you're a regular follower of this blog, you should notice by now I'm kind of chomping at the bit for the American legal system to pick up the pace and hold donald mf'ing trump accountable for all the crimes he's (allegedly) committed (at least the ones since 2015).

The current situation is that trump is facing:

This is all the criminal charges trump is facing. There's STILL the civil trial in New York set for this October led by the state attorney's office - which is dropping hints (WHY?!) they may delay their case so it won't interfere with the criminal ones - and another civil trial by E. Jean Carroll against trump based on when trump was in the presidency, which was separate from the already-resolved trial against the defamatory stuff trump said after he left office.

Part of me had been hoping that Smith was going to release the additional indictments on trump before the holiday, but I now realize he probably held off on it so that most Americans can enjoy the day off and not get distracted by the partisan noise that will certainly erupt the moment trump facing more criminal charges, especially the insurrection matter that should be resolved soon with any hope.

I admit, as I've said before, I am obsessed on this matter because it irks me at a personal level that a con artist and failed businessman like trump never answered for his behavior in any serious way. The bankruptcies and settled lawsuits that dot his landscape were evasions of that, and it all built up as trump lied and bluffed and stole his way into an office of power he never should have held.  From there, he committed serious crimes that threaten our national security, and so much of that is unforgiveable to me, and ought to be to all other Americans on this day of national celebration.

So that's me, waiting for all the good news to drop this month now that the 4th of July is closing up at sunset with light shows and fireworks (which we shouldn't use because it upsets our animals) and music and... Holy Shit is that Carlton hosting PBS's A Capitol Fourth?!

Happy 4th of July! And let justice be done!

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

I think Jack Smith knows what he is doing, and is perfectly aware of the timing involved. I want him to do his job the best way he knows how, and if that takes longer than I would like, well, the whole idea of prosecuting the despicable prick has already taken decades longer than I would like.
I'm not a lawyer, prosecutor, or judge, so my preferences aren't too important in the whole "can we get something to stick to this motherfucker" question.

-Doug in Sugar Pine