Thursday, June 06, 2024

D-Day Anniversary: The Few Remaining

The Normandy landings happened 80 years ago this day, and so this D-Day remembrance in France has been honoring the few aging veterans who are still alive: 

We are always moving forward in time, to where the persons who lived through these historic events are passing away. In a few more years, there will be no one left alive who can tell us what it was like storming the beaches and parachuting out of the night sky to fight these battles to end the fascist rule of Nazis who had taken over much of Europe and threatened the rest of the world.

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

This marks an important milestone in our efforts to kick fascist ass. Now, it would seem, it's our turn. The struggle looks much different now than it did then, but make no mistake: it is indeed the same struggle.

-Doug in Sugar Pine