Over the weekend, it's been looking like the nation has gone back to mass shooting after mass shooting after mass shooting after mass s... you get the point.
- Indianapolis suffered a mass shooting incident at a FedEx warehouse, leaving eight dead, four of them Sikhs in a likely religious/racist assault. The shooter in question had worried his own family enough for federal intervention and psychiatrist detainment during which his shotgun was taken away for safety reasons... whereupon the shooter went out and legally bought two more rifles because Indiana's gun laws are lax as hell and we have no Universal Background Check or Waiting period laws in effect that could have red-flagged him.
- Saturday we had a shooting outside an Ohio shopping mall where people were honoring a one-year anniversary of a shooting death at that spot. We can't even grieve our shooting victims in peace, can we.
- Earlier this morning there's a report from Kenosha, WI of a shooting at a tavern leaving three dead and several critically wounded, so just for the record it's not safe to get a beer in this nation anymore.
- We're just getting reports today that three have been shot and killed in Austin, TX. As of 2:45 PM EDT, it's considered an active shooting situation.
We're still getting over the mass shooting in Boulder, and the one at the Atlanta Asian massage parlors, and the one in Virginia Beach, no not the one in 2019. We're at the point cities are getting repeat mass shootings. Hell, we're at the point where a school shooting involving just one death barely makes a ripple.
A sizable number of Americans have been screaming "IT'S THE GUNS, IT'S THE MOTHERFUCKING GUNS" but we are screaming into the void because the goddamned Russian-owned National Rifle Body Count Association owns enough of our government that we can't get any goddamned sensible gun safety law passed - Universal Background Checks, ban on military-grade assault rifles, limited magazine/clip capacity, licensing or insurance requirements for ownership - at all.
Anybody still arguing "that gun ownership is not a problem" in the United States is blind to the reality that we can't fucking trust gun owners anymore, you are ALL a goddamned threat to the rest of us. You are arguing for unsafe guns in unreliable hands. We keep seeing this in the news with every goddamned shooting report from the domestic violence bastards to the mass shooters blazing their way to infamy and a goddamned body count. Even the police officers way too twitchy with their trigger fingers are proof we can't trust a goddamned single person with a gun.
And the blood in our streets keeps rising and rising...
I own four rifles, three shotguns, two revolvers and a Browning 9mm.
I haven't shot any of them in years and were they to disappear tomorrow it wouldn't really bother me at all, even though they are all heirlooms I inherited from my father.
That's what sanity sounds like.
In 1984 when I moved from Eureka to Oakland, I left my guns at my dad's house in Eureka, one of the few actual good decisions I made in my early twenties, as they would have disappeared in the first break-in we had (Briana's High-Standard derringer pistol was all they took, and it was hidden between the mattress and the wall).
When I was growing up in rural Northern California, learning to shoot was a normal and mostly healthy thing, but that was a long time ago and things are different now, even out here in the boonies where I currently live.
They say that a gun is a machine for making a hole at a distance, but a gun is also a power symbol that provides an excuse for never learning the social skills that are required for living in high population densities. I've seen it. It's really ugly.
-Doug in Sugar Pine
I actually inherited a hunting rifle from my grandfather in my teen years. I saw it once, with my dad showing it to me (my twin inherited the other hunting rifle gramps had). I told dad to keep it and not let me have it, because I didn't need it nor want it. Part of me was terrified of what that damn thing represented. I think it went to my twin, in the end. His sons, my nephews, went into the Boy Scouts and they got into doing firearms for their safety badges. I am worried they were all a little too enthusiastic doing all that. :(
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