Friday, February 02, 2024

A Quick Reminder How BAD trump Was As We Head Into 2024

Saw this on Twitter (screw your X, Elon) and needed to share:

Every tell-all book, every post-administration interview of trump's Cabinet members and advisors, every single story we got out of those dark years told us how trump would berate and belittle his own people, insult them to their faces, mock their expertise. trump drove half his staff to resign every six months by my recollection, and the ones who stayed on the whole tenure were doing so to manage their own grifts.

trump was an agent of chaos, unlike any other Active-Negative force we had sitting in the Oval Office. The likes of Nixon, Johnson, Hoover, Wilson... at least they maintained some form of self-discipline and awareness.

Even if trump fails to make himself dictator should he ever cheat his way back into the White House, his failures as a leader will tear this nation apart for good. We barely survived the last time.

For the LOVE OF GOD AND COUNTRY, America, do NOT vote trump this 2024.


1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

If you thought that the bozos and saboteurs he appointed to run the government last time were bad, you're right, but they pale in comparison to the wrecking crew he would appoint if he got another chance. And the goddamn Republicans are already lining them up, just in case.

-Doug in Sugar Pine