Monday, April 15, 2024

It Begins. Let Slip The Blogs of Deplore(ables)



Today is the pre-trial stuff, where the judge is setting out the parameters of what evidence will get presented, denying trump's attempts at recusal and delay, and setting the calendar so that the Wednesdays are off-days (awwwwww). Not sure if jury selection officially starts in the afternoon, so we'll see about that.

The whole thing is a media circus even without cameras allowed in the court - no surprise, this IS a Trial of the Century - and with any luck the chaos will settle down once the actual testimony begins.

But this is it. Finally. trump getting held accountable for all the shit he thought he could commit for the last 50 years.


dinthebeast said...

Apparently, the big crowds he was hoping for outside never materialized, and he was so bored by the proceedings that he fell asleep. Which, I have to say, is an improvement on his usual behavior.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Paul W said...

Whoa. Somehow I got 200-plus viewers a couple of days ago to this article, but I have no idea where the traffic came from. I don't have the analytics set up properly for this blog.

Anyone like to mention where the views are coming from, please?