Monday, August 12, 2024

August 12th, A Notable Day for the Citizenry In Respect to the Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico

It is August 12th, in my mind - although I'm getting reports it's January 8th - Emperor Norton Day:

Norton I., Dea Gratia, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, Being desirous of allaying the dissensions of party strife now existing within our realm, I do hereby dissolve and abolish the Democratic and Republican parties, and also do hereby decree the disfranchisement and imprisonment, for not more than ten nor less than five years, to all persons leading to any violation of this our imperial decree. - San Francisco Herald

So while it's sad that Norton I - if he lives in this day and age - may not yet vote for Kamala Harris for the Presidency of the United States due to her status as a Democratic candidate - that he may insist on the imprisonment of any party member, although I have hope the Emperor is a forgiving soul - I am of firm belief that Norton I would never vote for that crazy-ass third-party hack RFK Jr.

I mean, other than the whole emperor business, Joshua Abraham Norton was a reasonably sound and forward-thinking person. And he might not have been wrong about that emperor business anyway.

from The Sandman (1989 series) comic #31
art by Sam Keith, dialog by Neil Gaiman, based on the actual life of Norton I

Remember to pay your .50 tax to the Emperor, kiddos! And name that bridge in honor of his service to the city of San Francisco and the nation at large.

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

When I was a cook at a restaurant on the Oakland-Berkeley border back in the eighties, they had a breakfast dish called "Eggs Norton" which was eggs with cheese and chives in them. I found them quite tasty. I asked my manager why they called them that and she said "Why, The Emperor, of course."

-Doug in Sugar Pine