Sunday, August 04, 2019

Old Enough to Remember

My thought for the day.

I'm old enough to remember they blamed violence on heavy metal.

I'm old enough to remember they blamed violence on D&D.

I'm old enough to remember they blamed violence on rap.

I'm old enough to remember they blamed violence on TV.

I'm old enough to remember they blamed violence on R-rated movies.

I'm old enough to remember they blamed violence on graphic video games, which they're doing right now in fact.

I'm old enough to remember the one real constant to all that violence the last 49 years of my life was easy access to guns.

They'll blame everything else but that.

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

Hell, I'm old enough to remember when the goddamn NRA was a hunter safety organization.
I was ten when my dad sent me to the Navy's administrative office to take the NRA hunter safety course in order to get my hunting license.
The course wasn't bad, but also wasn't anything I didn't already know, as firearm safety was taken seriously in our family.
Things are, uh, different now.

-Doug in Oakland