Monday, August 26, 2019

trump Wants to Do WHAT to Hurricanes???

We interrupt your regularly scheduled panic about trump's misrule for this important message.

trump thinks dropping/detonating nuclear weapons inside hurricanes is a good idea.


Okay, from me, neither an expert on radiation nor an expert on hurricanes (although I've lived through three of them now): ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND?!

Even without looking at the evidence like the bit provided here by National Geographic, I know damn well a hurricane - usually the size of a big state or on some days the entire Gulf of Mexico - is too big to be affected by one nuke (or even several). Neither the shockwave of the blast nor the heat of an H-Bomb is gonna put a dent in Hurricane HolySh-tta. What you will get is the radioactive aftermath getting sucked up into the system and spread by both wind and water for hundreds of miles.

I'm not the only one stunned by the news:

They ended the Sharknado series too soon (wait, they used a bomb to end a sharknado I think in the first movie. Is that... is that where trump got the idea...?)

This goddamn nightmare can't end fast enough.

1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

OK, take the nuclear football away from him, stamp his forehead, and send him out to play. No forks or cutlery with his meals, or any stiff drinking straws that he might hurt himself or others with.

-Doug in Oakland